Home Shopper 双11劲爆优惠!Double Eleven Shocking Deals!

双11劲爆优惠!Double Eleven Shocking Deals!

by Petaling Jaya Community
Lust & Lovie Feature Image

一件内衣通常穿多久? 正常说是半年以上或穿超过180次就应该换一件新的内衣

为你介绍 Lust & Lovie 推出的这两款柔软舒适的内衣!

Normally how long should a bra last? In fact, experts recommend replacing new bras every six months or after about 180 wears.
So should you think about changing your bra?

Introducing Lust & Lovie released 2 designs of comfort bra.

第一款 First Design

Lust & Lovie Seamless Wireless Bra 1
Lust & Lovie Seamless Wireless Bra 2
Lust & Lovie Seamless Wireless Bra 3
Lust & Lovie Seamless Wireless Bra 4
Lust & Lovie Seamless Wireless Bra 5
Lust & Lovie Seamless Wireless Bra 6
Lust & Lovie Seamless Wireless Bra 7

第二款 Second Design

Lust & Lovie Seamless Natural Latex Bra 1
Lust & Lovie Seamless Natural Latex Bra 2
Lust & Lovie Seamless Natural Latex Bra 3
Lust & Lovie Seamless Natural Latex Bra 4
Lust & Lovie Seamless Natural Latex Bra 5
Lust & Lovie Seamless Natural Latex Bra 6

这么棒的优惠哪里找?上到 https://lustlovie.com 去购买吧!

Currently they are having a new launch and double eleven promo!
Purchase any bra, you are entitled to get an extra 2 bras for FREE!
Can’t miss this opportunity! Go to https://lustlovie.com shop now! 

Facebook: www.facebook.com/lustlovie
Instagram: www.instagram.com/lustlovie

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