来到这里逛街,走累了不妨可以来这里歇一歇。 环境以简单白色的风格搭配一些黄色。整齐好看!
姐妹们必打卡的啦! 记得哦,咖啡厅位于Bookxcess里面!别找不到哟!
Lunar are a small coffee bar located in Bookxcess (Tropicana Gardens Mall & KL East Mall) Open daily 10am to 6pm

来到这里逛街,走累了不妨可以来这里歇一歇。 环境以简单白色的风格搭配一些黄色。整齐好看!
姐妹们必打卡的啦! 记得哦,咖啡厅位于Bookxcess里面!别找不到哟!
Lunar are a small coffee bar located in Bookxcess (Tropicana Gardens Mall & KL East Mall) Open daily 10am to 6pm
Petaling Jaya is the satellite town of Kuala Lumpur. Sized at 97.2 square kilometres, the main focus of PJ is its free bus, digital mall and nice food.