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by Petaling Jaya Community
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YI POH源自芙蓉。它由房主大姨妈于1948年创立。它的主要总部位于芙蓉,目前在巴生谷地区设有分支机构。特色菜是“ LoCFun” /“老鼠粉”又称“老鼠粉”。叻沙面条。我们提供传统的伊波罗面,云吞面,客家面和各种面。我们还提供各种精美食品,例如万通汤和泰国豆腐

“ Yi Poh”并不意味着怡保,而是用粤语称呼大姨妈的方式!他们新鲜而富有弹性的。虽然看起来很朴素,但是非常好吃。它配以很多碎猪肉和叉烧。
P / S:他们的辣椒真的很辣,所以要做好准备!
他们位于Sunway Pyramid Asian Avenue F1.AV.147!

YI POH is originated from Seremban. It was founded in 1948 by owner Grand Aunt. It main Headquarter is located at Seremban, currently have branches in the Klang Valley area. Their speciality is ‘LoCFun’/’Mouse noodles”Laushufen’ (老鼠粉) aka. Laksa noodles. They serve traditional Yi Poh LoCFun, Wantan noodles, Hakka noodles & various types of noodles. They also serve various delicates food such as Wantan soup and Thai Tofu

“Yi Poh” does not mean Ipoh but it’s how the Chinese address Grand Aunt in Cantonese! Their fresh and springy lou shu fun looks plain but it’s extremely tasty. It’s served with lots of minced pork and sweet char siew. Not to mention, other dishes are available like Wanton Mee, Hakka Mee and more! You can have it dry or wet, all up to you! P/S: Their chili is really spicy so be prepared! They are located at Asian Avenue F1.AV.147!

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