Home Shopper MCO宅在家,也能 Enjoy💯纯手工天然Spa奢宠,源自埃及艳后的保养秘笈。💯Handcrafted Luxury HomeSpa inspired by Egyptian Queen is now easy than Ever!

MCO宅在家,也能 Enjoy💯纯手工天然Spa奢宠,源自埃及艳后的保养秘笈。💯Handcrafted Luxury HomeSpa inspired by Egyptian Queen is now easy than Ever!

by Petaling Jaya Community
petaling jaya community skin elemento featured image

哎哟,zomok 膝盖,手肘酱黑lulu??

死皮磨到被单都”Cha Cha”声。Paiseh倒。。。。。。
“我已经好久没到Spa “Zap Zap”了😢😢

好料来了,这浴盐还添加了清香宜人的”脂肪杀手“—葡萄柚精油。 分解脂肪,改善蜂窝水肿,揉出紧白嫩肌肤。
✅7大初榨植物油 (Cold Pressed) 补充肌肤脂质,深层滋润,改善蜡黄。

薰衣草优雅香气,让你仿佛享受着异国芳香Spa. 🚿洗澡时,注入小巧思,是不是很赞呢? 投资自己永远不吃亏噢! Skin Elemento 的理念是品质为根,从不复杂,细心把关每个原料。
精致女人💃💃背后都有自己的㊙️密法宝。 别人都在偷偷变美了,心动不如行动吧。 5️⃣⭐级产品,顶级享受,平民化的价格,简直是捡到宝啦❗
现在有超值的配套优惠哦。只需 118.90, 就能把这变美2️⃣宝带回家。

petaling jaya community skin elemento 5

Pampering yourself a relaxing & rejuvenating body treatment at any spas nearby is not possible with the movement control now.
Fret not!🙌🙌
They’ve got a solution for you. Indulge yourself with our 💯signature “Body Rejuvenating Duo”
Unwind, relax and revitalise at home is now easier than ever & at an affordable price.
Inspired by the beauty ritual of Ancient Egyptian’s Queen, their Pre-treatment Body Scrub with the perfect ratio of skin sloughing elements and skin moisturising elements.
Enhanced with refreshing scent, relaxing enough to make you feel like you are indulging in a luxury spa.

Followed by the timeless, feminine and alluring blend of the Midnight Recovery Serum perfectly round out your home spa experience for a burst of luminosity.
You can now flaunt your smooth skin in that bikini👙
Baby soft skin? Checked✅✅
This Body Rejuvenating Duo is now having promotional price with 118.90. Grab this offer before it gone.

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